Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What does the fox say?!?

The title of this post may send a rather annoying song running through your head- for that i apologize. If you have not yet seen this silly song phenomenon, consider yourself blessed as it will be your undoing! =)

With the craze of foxes running through our culture, i wanted to talk on them.
Mr. J and i have been going through a sermon series you can listen to here. The pastor is sharing through the book Song of Solomon. As a visitor of that church i may have second guessed my judgement in attending that day- but for Mr. J and i the series have been challenging and encouraging.
Last night we listened to the second part: Art of Dating.
We were able to pause the sermon, take notes and ask each other questions as we learned from this great example of love in the Bible. (i recommend this series for married couples as it may be a bit much to take in for those not yet there ;] )

One of the verses Pastor Nelson covered in the session was, (SoS 2:15)
"Catch the foxes for us, The little foxes that are ruining the vineyards, While our vineyards are in blossom.”
Did you know that foxes, as beautiful as they are, can reek havoc in vineyards?  It seems that the little blooms that come out all over the vines are sweet to their taste buds. . . 
Did you know that if they eat those buds and young blooms they will not be on the vine to turn into grapes?
If there are no grapes, the vinedresser will probably not be to pleased...

 In a relationship, as talked about in the verse above, the foxes are used as a metaphor. At this point in the book- the couple's love is young. It is spring time and they are enjoying getting to know each other better. However it looks like some tension may have found its way between them.
Pastor Nelson shared about how he and his wife had gotten to know each other, and a few times when the foxes appeared in their relationship. At first i thought it may just be influences of the world creeping in, and whereas that can be a fox, there is also more to it than just that. It is feelings and attitudes, words and actions- things that you face daily. If you are not careful, the cunning fox will start to unravel your relationship! 
Unlike a vinedresser, after the foxes have been rid of, loss is not the only thing we face. We have a choice: we can be left in devastation over the mess they made, OR we can be brought closer together through the hardship... *quote* "Fighting is fun because making up is great!" It leads to a deeper level of love!
Where i do not want foxes to make home in our vineyard, i am glad to learn from their visits. In GOD's great wisdom HE has tied so much together and used many great people to teach!
For those of you reading, look out for foxes! Dont let them get too cozy! Dont wait to hear what they have to say- glean from their wake and love deeper that one you found whom your soul loves!!

**images courtesy of Bing

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Ever been streakin?

i had the realization today that for a while now i have been streaking.
Not in the physical since of running about in the nude- but spiritually.
i had the pleasure of meeting with one of Mr. J's customers, and though i knew her very little, came away encouraged and challenged.
Mrs. Edith was asking if i had my little girl in the car and if i needed to hurry and get back outside. A wave of sadness washed over as i had to tell her that i had lost my baby earlier this years.
She was very apologetic and said (like many do) that i was young and my time would come.
As i talked more with Mrs. Edith, she said in a very frank way- "Dont plan on having kids!" At first i was a bit taken back by her words, but i realized the truth in them. i have been putting pressure on myself and my husband to make things happen a certain way and in a certain time, instead of living in the time that GOD has given me!
Lately i have been harboring some bitterness - toward GOD, and even Mr. J. i was mad at what had happened and mad that i hadn't been able to get pregnant again. Instead of enjoying my time and making memories with Mr. J and others around me, i was allowing the enemy to steal my joy!
Other errands awaited me and as i drove i listened to this podcast (this is the written form- if you have an iTunes account i strongly suggest syncing The Busy Mom's podcasts! They are short little blurps that encourage, refocus and challenge!) - GOD showed me that i had been fighting this spiritual battle physically.
My moods, words and thoughts have been against those around me. Pasting a smile and faking the "being ok" i had been lashing out (internally, mentally and sometimes physically) on those around me- all the while being in naught but my skin and exposed to the enemy!
GOD has laid out my "clothes" (as found in Ephesians 6) and by my choosing not to get dressed has left me embarressed and hurt.
i am so very thankful that GOD showed me this before too much time passed. In my flesh i want to try and hide myself, but then i would be following Eve's footsteps.
Ephesians 6 says to get dressed and stand!
i challenge you- whoever you may be- to forgo the living in the flesh (walking exposed) and get dressed!!