It seems that i write a lot about peace.
Well not really because i do not write a lot, but one of my more recent posts was labeled "Peace"
Its not a bad thing, one might get the idea that my life is in turmoil. But alas, God is just showing me His peace, and how truly wonderful it is!
i am not very popular, but i know a lot of people. i have a job that brings hundreds of people across my path daily, as well as social networks online, friends, church... there are lots of places that i know or see people, guys included. This is fun in a lot of ways, because i like guys. That last statement can sound really wrong if you have a gutter-mind, but i mean it just in what it says. Guys are a lot of fun. i dont have brothers so i find them interesting and amusing as they try to figure things out! They can be some of the best friends, though sometimes clueless! =) That is also ok, because we girls can give them a hard time!
All that to say is i have gotten to know several guys as friends, and some "more than friends" Due to my convictions and standards this does not mean "Friends with benefits" just that we talked and got to know each other on a deeper than friends level, i guess one might call it dating.
When i was younger i use to say i would never date until it was the one i was going to marry. And i still dont view "dating" as something to do for the heck of it. i dont really like the term dating, but no other really seems to fit. The dating relationships i have been a part of have not been just for mere pleasure, but to openly pursue God's plan and where He was leading us, maybe to the point of marriage. i have no ring, so this post is not to say that He has led me there, yet! ;)
i just have been learning to wait, and the full extent of what that means. As each door closed to the guys that i have known, a little voice in my head would tell me its because i am not wanted. How stupid is that? i dont really want to be wanted by the wrong man!! How much more hurt would that be!?!
God has a clear plan and direction for my life. Though i dont know what tomorrow holds, He does. Sometimes i find that i have to keep reminding myself of that. =) A friend sent me the following verses in an e-mail yesterday and it was a great encouragement. i am holding to them!
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything with prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:6-7